Summary of the Retreat
Summary of the RetreatMy Jesus, it is truly easy to become holy; it just takes a little good will! And if He finds this minimum of good will in a soul, He quickly gives Himself to her. And nothing can stop Him, neither our faults nor our falls, absolutely nothing....
Day 9 – The Dos & Don'ts in following the Spirit
Day 9The Dos & Don'ts in following the Spirit On this last day of the 9-Day Pentecost Online Retreat, we look at other factors that help us to remain sharp and attentive to the inspirations of the Holy Spirit. Since this is the last day, it is most effective that...
Day 8 – Detachment from Sins
Day 8 Detachment from SinsOn Day 5, we quoted from St. Francis de Sales, “When we profit from an inspiration that our Lord sends, he then sends another, and thus our Lord continues his graces as long as we continue to profit from them.” When we talk about “divine...
Day 7 – The True Spirit of Obedience
Day 7The True Spirit of ObedienceyYesterday in our petition to the Spirit, we asked Him to grant us the determination to refuse nothing that is from Him, and a disposition of total docility to His inspirations. But asking Him is one thing, getting ourselves prepared...
Day 6 – Childlike Dependency
Day 6Childlike DependencyYesterday, we talked about the Holy Spirit as our Life Coach and His role in leading us back (or driving us back, if we allow Him to take on the driver's seat) to the Father's house, while in the process achieving two purposes:...
Day 5 – Faithfulness to the Spirit's Inspirations
Day 5 Faithfulness to the Spirit's InspirationsYesterday, we touched on the fact that the path for attaining holiness for each person is unique just as we are unique. Apart from the commandments and teachings that are applicable to all Christians, God has...
Day 4 – Holiness vs. Perfectionism
Day 4Holiness vs. PerfectionismYesterday, we examined the role of the Holy Spirit in relation to our own role in attaining holiness. While it has been brought to our awareness that it is the Spirit's job to change us and to mold us, it offers no excuse for us to...
Day 3 – Collaborator to Holiness
Day 3Collaborator to HolinessIn order to receive the divine power from the Holy Spirit on our way to holiness, we need to understand the very basics of how we should collaborate with the Holy Spirit. We need to recognize what we can do and what we cannot. Unlike any...
Day 2 – Encounter Jesus
Day 2Encounter JesusYesterday, we talked about our thirst for God is the ultimate driving force motivating us to follow the Father's will for us to become holy. And according to St. Faustina, God the Son, Jesus, has the greatest desire and thirst to grant us...
Day 1- The Desire for Holiness
Day 1The Desire for HolinessWhen we think about Pentecost, we think about the Holy Spirit and His seven sanctifying gifts. These gifts help us become holy. Indeed, the ultimate goal of our lives is to become holy and lead others to the same goal. You may think: “This...